Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber

Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

Never Let You Go

Letra de la canción Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Never Let You Go esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber

Letra de Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber
oohhh noo, ohh noo, ohhh
they say that hate has been sent
so let loose the talk of love
before they outlaw the kiss
baby give me one last hug

theres a dream
that i've been chasing
want so badly for it to be reality
and when you hold my hand
then i understand
that its meant to be

cuz baby when you're with me
its like an angel came by, and took me to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better

so let the music it blast
we gon' do our dance
praise the doubters on
they dont matter at all
cuz this lifes to long
and this loves to strong
so baby no for sho'
ill never let you go

i got my favorite girl
not feelin' no pain
(no pain, no pain, no pain)
oh no, dont have a care in the world
why would i, when you are here
theres a moments i've been chasin
and i finally caught it out on this floor

baby, theres no hesitation,
no reservation by taking a chance and more
ohh noo, because

its like an angel came by, and took me to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better
(i dont want to go, no no no)
so let the music it blast
we gon' do our dance
praise the doubters on
they dont matter at all
cuz this lifes to long
and this loves to strong
so baby no for sho'
ill never let you go

its like an angel came by, and took me to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better
(i dont want you to go, no, no, so)

take my hand, lets just dance
watch my feet, follow me
dont be scared, girl im here
if you didnt know, this is loooovee

(so let the music it blast)
(we gon' do our dance)
(praise the doubters on)
(they dont matter at all)
(cuz this lifes to long)
(and its much to strong)
(so baby no for sho')
(ill never let you go)

ill never let you go, gooooo
ill never let you go,

(oh yeah, oh yeah)


ill never let you go,
ohh no, ohh noo, ohhh

ill never let you go
La letra de la canción Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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