Objection - Shakira

Objection - Shakira


Letra de la canción Objection - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Objection esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Objection - Shakira
Letra de Objection - Shakira
It's not her fault that she's so irresistible 
But all the damage she's caused isn't fixable 
Every twenty seconds you repeat her name 
But when it comes to me you don't care 
If I'm alive or dead 

So objection I don't wanna be the exception 
To get a bit of your attention 
I love you for free and I'm not your mother 
But you don't even bother 

Objection I'm tired of this triangle 
Got dizzy dancing tango 
I'm falling apart in your hands again 
No way I've got to get away 

Next to her cheap silicon I look minimal 
That's why in front of your eyes I'm invisible 
But you gotta know small things also count 
You better put your feet on the ground 
And see what it's about 

Objection I don't wanna be the exception 
To get a bit of your attention 
I love you for free and I'm not your mother 
But you don't even bother 

Objection I'm tired of this triangle 
Got dizzy dancing tango 
I'm falling apart in your hands again 
No way I've got to get away 

I wish there was a chance for you and me 
I wish you couldn't find a place to be 
Away from here 

This is pathetic and sardonic 
It's sadistic and psychotic 
Tango is not for three 
Was never meant to be 

But you can try it 
Rehearse it 
Or train like a horse 
But don't you count on me 
Don't you count on me boy 

Objection I don't wanna be the exception 
To get a bit of your attention 
I love you for free and I'm not your mother 
And you don't even bother 

Objection I'm tired of this triangle 
Got dizzy dancing tango 
I'm falling apart in your hands again 
No way I've got to get away
La letra de la canción Objection - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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