Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie

Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie

Quando, Quando, Quando

Letra de la canción Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Quando, Quando, Quando esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie
Tell me when will you be mine
Tell me quando quando quando
We can share a love devine
Please don´t make me wait again
When will you say yes to me
Tell me quando quando quando
You mean happiness to me
Oh my love please tell me when
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can´t wait a moment more
(I can't wait baby)
So please tell me quando quando
Say its me that you adore
And then darling tell me when
Hey girl you, you my, my bela
You make my vida feel better
And see for you acapela
My Bela, My Bela
(...) I Wait ya, forever
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can´t wait a moment more
(A Can't wait for you)
Tell me quando quando quando
Say its me that you adore
Tell Me Quando quando quando
Baby, it's time, it's time
For you don't have (..)
Ill wait for the righ time, the rigth time
Girl you are the love of my life
My Bela, My Bela, You are My Bela
I love you, and i'm fell better
And see you for...
La letra de la canción Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.
¿La canción Quando, Quando, Quando - Fergie tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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