Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj

Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj

Right By My Side

Letra de la canción Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Right By My Side esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj
It all comes down to this
I miss your morning kiss
I won't lie, I'm feeling it
You don't know, I'm missing it
I'm so gone I'm must to be
It's too much to hold it in
I can't say no more than this
I just hope your heart hear me now
I let you know how I'm feeling
You own my heart he just renting
Don't turn away, pay attention
I'm pouring out my heart oh boy

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

Let's meet at out favourite spot
You know the one, right around the block
From a nice place, let's look to shop
Can you get away?
Care to sit down, let's talk it out
One on one, without a crowd
I wanna hold your hand
Making love again, I need to be near you
Gotta let you know how I'm feeling
Own my heart, and she just renting
I've been away, pay attention
I'm pouring out my heart girl

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

I can't eat I-I-I-I
I can't sleep I-I-I
What I need I-I-I
Is you right by my side

I can't eat I-I-I-I
I can't sleep I-I-I-I
What I need I-I-I-I
Is you right by my side

It ain't your spit game, it's your dick game
That got me walking 'round ready to wear your big chain
I only argue wit' 'em when the Lakers on
Other than that I'm getting my Marc Jacob's on
When my pussy game so cold that he always seem to come back
Cause he know that it'd be a wrap
When I'm riding it from the back
Wait, oh, let me see your phone
Cause all them bitches is ratchet
And let me get in my truck
Cause all them' bitches'll catch it
Wait wait wait, there I go again
I be trippin', I be flippin, I be so belligerent
Man this shit that we be fighting over so irrelevant
I don't even remember though I was probably hella bent

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if you're not by my side

I-I oooh-ohhh
I-I oooh-ohhh
I-I oooh-ohhh
If you're not by my side

I can't eat I-I-I-I
I can't sleep I-I-I
What I need I-I-I
Is you right by my side
La letra de la canción Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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