Rules - Shakira

Rules - Shakira


Letra de la canción Rules - Shakira, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rules esta publicada en la categoria Shakira donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Rules - Shakira
Letra de Rules - Shakira

You have to swear 
You've got love to love me 
aah aah 
That will last forever 
aah aah 
We must have a story 
Aah aah 
With a happy ending 
So don't ever go away 
And never put aside 
The things I'm gonna say 
Cause these are the rules for us 

Use your eyes 
Only to look at me 
Use your mouth 
Only to kiss my lips 
We are branches of the same old tree 

You can laugh 
Only if you laugh with me 
You can cry 
Only if you cry for me 
Don't forget that you're condemned to me 

Oh can't you see 
You always were 
You'll always be 

You used to say 
I should see a doctor 
Aah aah 
Who would keep me busy 
Aah aah 

Cause a jealous woman 
Never makes it easy 

Ahh, ahh 
And you know I'll do for us 
Whatever seems right 
But it may take awhile 
Before I change the rules 

Use your eyes 
Only to look at me 
Use your mouth 
Only to kiss my lips 
We are branches of the same old tree 

You can laugh 
Only if you laugh with me 
You can cry 
Only if you cry for me 
Don't forget that you're condemned to me 

Oh can't you see 
You always were 
You'll always be
La letra de la canción Rules - Shakira es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Shakira.
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