Salvation - Fergie

Salvation - Fergie


Letra de Salvation - Fergie
Everybody is doing, everybody will know 
In the time of trouble the evolution explodes 
I am looking for the pleasure, you run away from me 
Don't hate me, don't love me, don't hurt me, don't set me free
Everywhere I go this shadow is on me 
Get out, go down, please leave me in peace 
I am wasting time 
To believe in your lies, I know 
Can someone save us ? See... 
Everything I need is something to show 
In the way of stones 
I broke all my bones 
You can make your best while I wait for your mercy. 
To live in the chaos became a relief
Everywhere I go your voice is calling me 
I love you, I hate you, antagonism is bliss 
I destroyed my life 
You must wait I die, you know 
Can someone save us ? See...

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