Smells Like Funk - Fergie

Smells Like Funk - Fergie

Smells Like Funk

Letra de la canción Smells Like Funk - Fergie, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Smells Like Funk esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Smells Like Funk - Fergie
Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)
Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)
Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)

If it smells like Funk it must be us
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us 
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us 
Cause nobody's Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky
We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)
We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)
We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)
Stinky, Stinky, Stinky, 

The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n' on
There's no need to hold your nose,
Cause this pong sing like a rouge

Big booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,
Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk'
Reaking like diseased athleates feet,
The stench didn't come till after this beat
Smellin' like droors no weezin no pause
Put your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass paws
You know we was coming before we enterded the door
Cause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking
down the hall
We bring the Funk worse then a wet dog
Stinkin' like fat ladies shittin' out hoggs
We drop enough shit and keep them toilets clogged
Keep the people jumpin' like them Bullfrogs
The first one who smelt it ain't the one who delt it
Black Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like delta
Funky like onions you fryin'(Sure is Funky) girl you
ain't lyin'

Yo' you Funkin' with the Funk family
The non fabricated factual faculty'
We formulatin' up in a factory
Focusin' on the energid' of fluid flow free'
We flawless, everything is for free
We florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh'
Can you believe we flip the frequency's and
Freak emcees they leave all franticaly but'
Our intent is ought to be friendly but'
They fightin' when we start the freestylin' frenzy
I conk up ya' flat till your girlfriend beef
Fillin all anatomy, bringin' me flatery, huh'
She'll be digin these rhymes that ease beats 
Like celulite lyrics so flappy
We bring the funk to your festivity's
If you think something stank then it must be the

If it smells like Funk it must be us
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us
The Funk Funk (??????) stinky stank itself
If it smells like Funk it must be us 
Cause nobody's Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky
(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)

Celulite overweight stankin' emcees
Stench smells so strong it's insanitary
Cause you can sence me a mile away so Chanky
With the jungle Funk sound from Seringety
Meaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty's tights
Gettin' dirty like mudfights and dirtbikes
Turning these droors black they used to be white 
And we shitin' on these tracks that you gonna' need
to wipe
The odor's so contagious that it shows up in your
Man you could pick me out like food in between 
Your two front teeth cause you be lackin' the (????) 
We got beefy ass beats that we bumpin' in the streets
We so nice n' sweet like steak box n' feet
Sour underarm Funk you ain't washed in a week
And man we be reakin' every day or weekend
We could all bounce to the Funk and the season

Yeah that's Funky', Yeah that's Funky'

Every smell is of a porker 
then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl,
Will n' Taboo
Cause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it
must be us
If you smellin' Fat Funk then it must be us
If you smellin' something Funky 
then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl,
Will n' Taboo
Cause you know that if it smells like Funk than it
must be us
If you smellin' elephants than it must be us
If you smellin' somethin Funky 
then you know it got to be nobody other than Apl,
Will n' Taboo 
Cause you know that if it smells like Funk then it
must be us
If you smellin' elephant shit then it must be us
La letra de la canción Smells Like Funk - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.
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