Surrender to Love - Laura Pausini

Surrender to Love - Laura Pausini
Laura Pausini

Surrender to Love

Letra de la canción Surrender to Love - Laura Pausini, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Surrender to Love esta publicada en la categoria Laura Pausini donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Laura Pausini
Letra de Surrender to Love - Laura Pausini
Sometimes we had to be like a warrior in battle 
Fighting all our fears 
To many wounded hearts keep filling up the fidges 
And nearly disappear
But I still can't believe it 
You dream of the day 
We can freely give our love away, away 
Why stay the way we are it hasn't worked so far 
It's a new day, what if we all could say: 
Surrender to love. 
Surrender to love 
Till it wraps it's arms around you forever 
Oh yeah yeah 
Surrender, Surrender to love 
It will only change your world for the better 
Laura: Surrender to love
I wanna feel like I got 
Heaven all around me 
Angels in the sky 
I want to tell my heart 
It finally want it's freedom 
And what a sweet surprise 
I know there is a blessing 
In each forget road 
In every lesson learned 
And in every, every, every love 
Don't be afraid to fall 
You never lose it all 
Come and see 
Everyone will win if we:
Surrender to love 
Surrender to love 
Till it wraps it's arms around you forever 
Forever and ever 
Come on darling 
Surrender Surrender to love 
I'm in love 
It will only change your world for the better 
Laura: Surrender to love
Ray: Trust in me to follow 
Laura: just follow 
Ray: trust in what you'll be tomorrow 
Laura: Feel the change coming on like a sunrise. 
And you'll be dreaming and you can be it 
So just close your eyes 
Surrender to love. 
Till it wraps it's arms around you forever. 
Laura: forever 
Surrender to love 
Ray: I'll surrender baby 
It will only change your world for the better 
Laura: only change your world if you surrender 
To love I love the love 
Be around, around, surrender
La letra de la canción Surrender to Love - Laura Pausini es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Laura Pausini.
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