The Situation - Black Eyed Peas

The Situation - Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Peas

The Situation

Letra de la canción The Situation - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción The Situation esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de The Situation - Black Eyed Peas

Some times I pick the flower
Cause I wanna know
He loves me not
He loves me lot
He's got to go

Not talking bout the dude
That's on the go go go

The situation that we got
Is so much more.

You make me laugh
You make me cry
But I want you
Right by my side
And if you go I could die.
You bring me low, you bring me high.

I bild you high. You break me down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

You pick me hard. I let you down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

My thurpist told me that apposites atracked. I wish that you was here with apposties attack.

You love me then you hate
What's it going to be

Don't wanna miss the magic
That is you and me

You make me glow
You make me shine.
We always fight right on time.
And if you go I could die
You bring me low, you bring be high

I bild you high. You break me down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

You pick me hard. I let you down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

Sometimes we don't see each other eye to eye baby.
We up and down like a rollcoster ride baby.
Sometimes you don't see the way I try baby.
I hate the way you make me wanna cry lady.
I wanna fly away.sometimes I need a break.
The way you treat me wanna go and say.but I can go on. With out you in my arm.
I can't resisted the way you used me with your charm.

You make me glow
You make me shine.
We always fight right on time.
And if you go I could die
You bring me low, you bring be high

I bild you high. You break me down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

You pick me hard. I let you down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

I bild you high. You break me down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

You pick me hard. I let you down.
And that's story of our situ a a a tion

La letra de la canción The Situation - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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