There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida

There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida
Enrique Iglesias

There Goes My Baby

Letra de la canción There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción There Goes My Baby esta publicada en la categoria Enrique Iglesias donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida
Letra de There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida
She came from nowhere and she stole my soul 
Her love was criminal 
I finally found what I was looking for 
Now I can't let it go 

We make up to break up 
You got me spinning like a yo yo yo 

But I know that you know 
That girl you will always be mine 


There goes my baby 
Hey hey baby come back to me 


I get so high when she go down down low 
She work it nice and slow 

We going round and round and back and forth 
Can't take it anymore 

We make up to break up 
You got me spinning like a yo yo yo 

But I know that you know 
That girl you will always be mine 

There goes my baby 
Hey hey baby come back to me 


There goes my baby 
My wholesome lady 
Hold me down if my whole world went crazy 
That' s what she spoke 
Just what she said 
Now that's a joke 
That talk is dead 
Know I got to get over the love I had 
The door I keep it open just in case she come back 
Can't deal with the emotions to teh point I'm sad 
And I know my hearts broken but I'we got so attached 
Baby come back I won't get no sleep 
She more than I want and all that I need 
Locked up my heart and threw away the key so 
And when my baby come back I'm crossing my T's dotting my I's 
And now I can't eat 
Out of my mind 
And that's how it's gonna be
La letra de la canción There Goes My Baby - Enrique Iglesias ft. Flo Rida es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Enrique Iglesias.
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