With You Tonight - Nicky Jam

With You Tonight - Nicky Jam
Nicky Jam

With You Tonight

Letra de la canción With You Tonight - Nicky Jam, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción With You Tonight esta publicada en la categoria Nicky Jam donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
With You Tonight - Nicky Jam
Letra de With You Tonight - Nicky Jam

With You Tonight” es la versión en inglés del éxito “Hasta El Amanecer” de Nicky Jam, la cual ha tenido una buena acogida y buenos comentarios en general.
Girl You Know
That I’ll do, anything
To know
A little more
Than just your name
Only thing, I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would live to leave
With you, tonight
Girl you know
That I’ll do, anything
To know a little more
Than just your name
Only thing I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would like to leave
With you tonight
What’s your name mamacita
My sweet señorita
So hot that you giving me the fever
So sexy, muy bonita
You’ll Make, A none believe a believer
Trust me girl you and me
That’s what its gotta be
I give you everything you need
Make you weak in your knees
You the baddest one I’ve ever seen
Tell me how you fit that in them jeans
Oyeme asi asi
Baby I can finally see
Girl you are so perfect to me
You’ll remember
This night of pleasure
I need you to come now with me
Girl you know
That I’ll do anything
To know a little more
Than just your name
Only thing I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would like to leave
With you tonight
Want more
Than just your name
From where you came
Looking at you through me
Ray-ban frame
Them girl a dime but
Girl you not the same
It’s not you it’s your mother
Me blame
Me want tell
You straight
Let me explain
Keep it a hundred
Come ride on the wave
Come through you
Tuneel up in my train
Just cause me flyer than a plane aye
You go, call me papi
I’ll make, your body happy
Everytime, that you call me
You know that I’ll
Take care or you
You go, call me papi
I’ll make, your body happy
Everytime, that you call me
You know, I what you baby
Girl you know
That I’ll do anything
To know a little more
Than just your name
Only thing I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would like to leave
With you tonight
Girl you know
That I’ll do anything
To know a little more
Than just your name
Only thing I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would like to leave
With you tonight
I wanna leave with you
Girl you know
That I’ll do anything
To know a little more
Than just your name
Only thing I know
Is you’re too fine
And I would like to leave
With you tonight
La letra de la canción With You Tonight - Nicky Jam es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicky Jam.
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