Without You - Laura Pausini

Without You - Laura Pausini
Laura Pausini

Without You

Letra de la canción Without You - Laura Pausini, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Without You esta publicada en la categoria Laura Pausini donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Laura Pausini
Letra de Without You - Laura Pausini
Close your eyes and say good night
and hold me till the morning light
when the sun comes shinning through
I'll kiss you one last time
and I'll begin to live my life without you
wish that I could make you stay
but I know I have no power to persuade
the heart will do what it must do
So kiss me one last time
and tell me how to live my life without you
Cause I love you without an ending
cause I need you to be my everything
tell me the meaning of a life without you with me
when the night falls I'll still be standing
cause you'll always be right here in my heart
and in my deepest memories
I will never have to be without you
love is like a work of art
once you feel it you hold it in your heart
you know forever that its true
so kiss me for always
even if I live my life without you
Cause I love you without an ending
cause I need you to be my everything
tell me the meaning of a life without you with me
when the night falls I'll still be standing
cause you'll always be right here in my heart
and in my deepest memories
I will never have to be without you
La letra de la canción Without You - Laura Pausini es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Laura Pausini.
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