Won't Let You Fall - Fergie

Won't Let You Fall - Fergie

Won't Let You Fall

Letra de la canción Won't Let You Fall - Fergie, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Won't Let You Fall esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Won't Let You Fall - Fergie
I'll never let you go
So, never let me go
I will be your journey
And you will be my road
Down the stormy path
Love will never come to pass
It will be an anchor
Although the winds may blow

And through the depths of high and low
Wherever you will go, I'll follow
To the end, back again
You know

Won't let you fall
Fall out of love
'Cause together we'll be holding on
'Cause all we have is us
Won't let you go
Go away again
Because life don't mean nothing at all
If I don't have your love

I will dry your tears
Take away your fears
Let me be your shelter
Your heart is safe in here
So beautiful and pure
There's nothing I would not endure
Oh, love as got me blinded
I see it all so clear
I'm down for you for whatever
Anything you going through
What's mine is yours
Every little thing
I got you
Even when winds will change
Come smashing down and crashing on you
Don't have your love...don't have...
your love...you...
never let you go...let you go...
Won't let you fall...let you fall...
Fall out of love
La letra de la canción Won't Let You Fall - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.
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