Xoxoxo - Black Eyed Peas

Xoxoxo - Black Eyed Peas
Letra de la canción Xoxoxo - Black Eyed Peas, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Xoxoxo esta publicada en la categoria Black Eyed Peas donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Black Eyed Peas

Letra de Xoxoxo - Black Eyed Peas

Hey girl you know you special
When you jump to the phone give you best though
I wanna hold you tight, never let go
Cause your love is like a magic, presto

Girl let's strangle like a pretzel
Karma sutra loving baby let's go
Girl i put you on a train like a tiesto
But i ain't talk about tech - techno

Girl, you stole my heart like a klepto
Butterflies in my stomach, need Pepto...
Bismol baby gimme more sex though
It's your pleasure like an gecko

Girl while i stop loving you? Heck no!
Honestly think you got me in a heck show
When i'm with you is so perfecto
I wanna leave you use me with a toxin
And you talk about that xoxoxo
That xoxoxo
Hit me with a xoxoxo
That xoxoxo

Baby everywhere i go
I'm not alone
You let me know
You're on my phone
You're in my dreams
You're in my screen
You send me X and o's, X and o's

Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, X and o's
Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, X and o's

[All Peas]
Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh ,oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh ,oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh ,oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh ,oh, oh, oh

I'll be wating on the phone for your tech show
I wanna stay connected like a Lego
You're the gas to my car, you're my petroil
Me and you go back, retro

Everytime i get some i wanna get more
Everytime you on away i wanna get close
Is the love not gimme just echoes (echoes)
Got me dumb, got me drugged cause the sex though

So good, i wanna show while i can expo
I can't let go, let go my ego
You're my number one, you're my bebot
You're the only one for me cause I said so

Girl you won my heart in a medal
Cause now i'm looking for the next show
When i meet you is so perfecto
I wanna go, i'll be waiting for your text
I'll be missing your xoxoxo
That xoxoxo
Girl you're so xoxo land, xoxo land

Baby everywhere i go
I'm not alone
You let me know
You're on my phone
You're in my dreams
You're in my screen
You send me X and o's, X and o's

Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, X and o's
Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, X and o's

This is big mega love song
For the lovers, for the lovely lo - lovers
Love her, need her, can't leave her
Bring, bring for ever
Light talk, wife talk, wedding ring
We are holding hands
Doing Love and talk
Doing Love and talk
Doing Love and talk

We stay kissing
Permanent, lips
Smooch na na na na smooch
Break down to the ground
Love my honey down
Love my honey down
Love my honey down

La letra de la canción Xoxoxo - Black Eyed Peas es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Black Eyed Peas.
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