Yellow - Coldplay

Yellow - Coldplay


Letra de la canción Yellow - Coldplay, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Yellow esta publicada en la categoria Coldplay donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Yellow - Coldplay
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow."

So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all "Yellow."

Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones,
Turn into something beautiful,
You know, you know I love you so,
You know I love you so.

I swam across,
I jumped across for you,
Oh what a thing to do.

Cos you were all "Yellow,"
I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all "Yellow."

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into something beautiful,
And you know for you,
I'd bleed myself dry for you,
I'd bleed myself dry.

It's true, look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for, 
Look how they shine for you, 
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine.

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And all the things that you do.
La letra de la canción Yellow - Coldplay es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Coldplay.
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