You Da One - Rihanna

You Da One - Rihanna

You Da One

Letra de la canción You Da One - Rihanna, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción You Da One esta publicada en la categoria Rihanna donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de You Da One - Rihanna
You the one that I dream about all day
You the one that I think about always
You are the one so I make sure behave!
My love is your love, your love is my love

Baby, I love you, I need you here
Give me all the time
Baby we meant to be
You got me, smiling all the time

Cause you know how to give me that
You know how to pull me back
When I go runnin, runnin
Tryin to get away from loving ya
You know how to love me hard
Yep, I´m falling for ya but there´s nothin wrong with that

You the one that I dream about all day
You the one that I think about always
You are the one so I make sure behave!
My love is your love, your love is my love

You the one that I dream about all day
You the one that I think about always
You are the one so I make sure behave!
My love is your love, your love is mine

Baby come, tear me now, hold me now
Make me come alive
You got the sweetest touch
I´m so happy, you came in my life

Cause you know how to give me that
You know how to pullme back
When I go runnin, runnin
Tryin to get away from loving ya
You know how to love me hard
Yep, I´m falling for ya but there´s nothin wrong with that


And yes I´m kinda crazy
That´s what happens baby
When you put it down
You should´ve give it to me
Good like that
Should´ve hit it like that
Had me yellin like that
Didn´t know you would´ve had me coming back

You the one that I´m feeling
You the one that I´m loving
Ain´t no other, that´s like you
No there´s just one, one, one
No baby just one, one
I bet you wanna know

La letra de la canción You Da One - Rihanna es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Rihanna.
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