You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Laura Pausini

You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Laura Pausini
Laura Pausini

You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine

Letra de la canción You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Laura Pausini, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine esta publicada en la categoria Laura Pausini donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Laura Pausini
Letra de You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Laura Pausini
(Laura Pausini e Michael Bublé)
You'll never find, as long as you live
Someone who loves you tender like I do
And you'll never find, no matter where you search
Someone who cares about you the way I do.
Whoa, I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
Cause I'm the one who loves you
And there's no one else! else.
And you'll never find, it'll take the end of all time
Someone to understand you like I do.
Whoa, I'm not tryin' to make you stay, baby
Cause I'm the one who loves you
And there's no one else! else.
You're gonna miss my love
You're gonna miss my love, you're gonna miss my love
You're gonna miss my love, you're gonna miss my love
You're gonna miss, you're gonna miss my love, miss my love
You'll never find another love like mine
Someone who needs you like I do
Whoa, I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
Cause I'm the one who loves you
And there's no one else! And there's no one else!
No...There's just no one else.
You're gonna, You're gonna miss, miss my love
You're gonna miss my love
I'm gonna miss your love
You're gonna miss my love
I'm gonna miss your love
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh
you're gonna miss my love
La letra de la canción You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Laura Pausini es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Laura Pausini.
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