2 Bad - Michael Jackson

2 Bad - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción 2 Bad - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción 2 Bad esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de 2 Bad - Michael Jackson
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' rocks to hide your hands
You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad
Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tried to bring me to my knees
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Hell all up in Hollywood
Sayin' that you got it good
Creepin' from a dusty hole
Tales of what somebody told
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
Tired of you haunting me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
You got blood lust for me
But too bad, too bad
Look who got slapped in the face
It's dead and stuffy in the place
I'm right back where I wanna be
I'm standin' though you're kickin' me
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Shaquille O'Neal:
Life's about a dream
I'm really undefeated when MJ is on my team, theme
Reality brings forth realizm
It's the man of steel organizm, twizm
Not from the prizm, take charge like manilla
Nine five shaq represent with the Thrilla
Grab my crotch, twist my knee, then I'm through
Mike's bad, I'm bad
Who are you
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it?
Too bad, too bad about it
La letra de la canción 2 Bad - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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