Liberian Girl - Michael Jackson

Liberian Girl - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Liberian Girl

Letra de la canción Liberian Girl - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Liberian Girl esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Liberian Girl - Michael Jackson
naku penda piya-naku taka
(I love you too-i want you
Too-my love)
Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed
My world
A love so brand new
Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed
Me girl
A feeling so true
Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And she says . . .
Do you love me
And he says so endlessly . . .
I love you, liberian girl
(naku penda piya-naku taka
(I love you too-i want you
Too-my love)
Liberian girl . . .
More precious than
Any pearl
Your love so complete
Liberian girl . . .
You kiss me then,
Ooh, the world
You do this to me
Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And she says,
Do you love me
And he says so endlessly
I love you, liberian girl
(naku penda piya-naku taka
(I love you too-i want you
Too-my love)
Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world,
I wait for the day,
When you have to say
I do,
And Ill smile and say it too,
And forever well be true
I love you, liberian girl,
All the time
I love you liberian girl,
All the time
I love you liberian girl,
All the time
I love you liberian girl,
All the time
I love you
I love you baby
I want you
I love you baby
Ooh! I love you baby, I want
You baby, ooh!
La letra de la canción Liberian Girl - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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