25 Miles - Michael Jackson

25 Miles - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

25 Miles

Letra de la canción 25 Miles - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción 25 Miles esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de 25 Miles - Michael Jackson
Twenty-five miles from home, girl
My feet are hurtin' mighty bad
Now I've been walkin' for three days
And two lonely nights
You know that I'm mighty bad
But I got a girl waitin' for me
That's gonna make this trip worthwhile
You see, she's got the kind
Of lovin' and kissin'
Make a boy go stone wild
I got to keep on walkin'
Oh I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'all
I'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
I got fifteen miles to go now
And I can hear my baby callin' my name
It's as if, as though
I'm standin' at her front door
And I can hear that doggone thing
Now I'll be so glad to see my baby
And hold her in my arms one more time
And when I kiss her lips
I turn backward flip
And I forget about these feet of mine
I got to keep on walkin'
Oh I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'all
I'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
Yeah I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'all
Hope my feet don't fail me now
I got five more miles to go
I got nine, eight, seven
Six, oh six
I got five more miles to go now
Over the hills just around the bend
Although my feet are tired
I can't lose my stride
I got to get my baby back again
I got to keep on walkin'
I got to walk on
Let me tell y'all
I'm so tired now
But I just can't lose my stride
Oh, I got to walk on
Let me tell you now
I'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
I got to walk on
La letra de la canción 25 Miles - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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