A Fool For You - Michael Jackson

A Fool For You - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

A Fool For You

Letra de la canción A Fool For You - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción A Fool For You esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de A Fool For You - Michael Jackson
I know you told me
Such a long time ago
Well, you didn't
You didn't want me around
Baby, yeah, hey, hey
You didn't love me no more
But I know something, yeah
That makes me be
I just want to say, yeah
I just want to say, yeah
I've been a fool for you, baby
(I've been a fool so long)
I've been a fool for you, baby, yeah
Oh, it's not your clothes
It's not your, it's not your walk
It's not your easy, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's not your, it's not your easy, baby talk, yeah, yeah, oh
I know something
It must be something, yeah
Ooh, oh, that makes me feel
Oh, that makes me feel
That I've been a fool for you, baby, yeah
(A fool for you so long)
I've been a
I've been a fool for you baby, yeah
Did ya ever wake up in the morning
Just about the, just about the break of day
You reach over, you reach over and feel the pillow, yeah, yeah, yeah
Where your baby, where your baby used to lay, yeah, yeah, yeah
Then you put, then you, then you put on your crying, yeah
Like you never, like you never cried before, yeah, yeah
I said, I said, I said you ever, you ever cry so loud, yeah
You give the blues, you give the blues to the neighbor next door
Ever since, ever since you were one, two, three, four, five years old
I've been a, I've been a fool for you baby, yeah
Way down in my, way down in my soul, yeah, yeah
I know it must be, I know it must be something, yeah, something, yeah
That makes me feel, that makes me feel
I've been a fool for you, baby, yeah
(A fool for you so long)
Oh, oh, I've been a fool for you, baby
Ooh, oh, oh I've been a fool for you, yeah
(A fool for you so long)
'Cause it's, 'cause it's, 'cause it's in my soul.
La letra de la canción A Fool For You - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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