Addicted - Prince Royce

Addicted - Prince Royce
Prince Royce


Letra de la canción Addicted - Prince Royce, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Addicted esta publicada en la categoria Prince Royce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Addicted - Prince Royce
Letra de Addicted - Prince Royce
Sleeping in, Sunday Morning 
boddies intertwinned 
playing fake, we’re awake 
but we dont wanna rise. 

I saved a place in my chest 
for you to rest your head on me 
a part of me is a mess 
i must confess is time to come clean. 

I am addicted to your touch 
No other woman’s made me want it this much 
I can not resists the warmth of your hips 
a single serving is never enough 
cause im addicted to your touch. 

My schedule is yours today 
I’m not in a rush 
you could be my little coffee bean 
and I will be the moon. 

Let’s rent a movie tonight 
and snuggle up inside 
and when the credits arrive 
I’ll be by your side, letting you know…. 

I am addicted to your touch 
No other woman’s made me want it this much 
I can not resists the warmth of your hips 
a single serving is never enough 
cause im addicted to your touch. 

I want your neck 
I want your shoulders 
I want to be the only one that holds ya 
I want your legs, I want your arms 
I want to be inside your arms. 

If I don’t have you next to me, 
I’ll probably lose my sanity 
I am addicted…. 

I am addicted to your touch 
No other woman’s made me want it this much 
I can not resists the warmth of your hips 
a single serving is never enough 
cause im addicted to your touch. 

I am addicted to your touch 
No other woman’s made me want it this much 
I can not resists the warmth of your hips 
a single serving is never enough 
cause im addicted to your touch.
La letra de la canción Addicted - Prince Royce es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Prince Royce.
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