You Are Fire - Prince Royce

You Are Fire - Prince Royce
Prince Royce

You Are Fire

Letra de la canción You Are Fire - Prince Royce, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción You Are Fire esta publicada en la categoria Prince Royce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
You Are Fire - Prince Royce
Letra de You Are Fire - Prince Royce
I've been waiting all day 
checking the time 
for when she arrives, yeah 
Open a bottle of wine 
She likes chardonnay 
I'm well on my way, yeah 

No she don't know my palms are sweaty 
I'm nervous I've been dressed and ready 
and when I open up the door she asks 
How do I look? I say 

You are fire 
but your blue eyes 
Are brighter 
I've never felt this way before 
Stay for a while and close the door 
cause you are fire 

Tomorrow's coming too soon 
Let's do this again 
see you at ten, yeah 
If you like to win with style 
stay in my room 
It's already noon 

No she don't know my palms are sweaty 
so nervous, damn she's being sexy 
She puts on my favorite shirt and asks 
How do I look? I say 

You are fire 
but your blue eyes 
Are brighter 
I've never felt this way before 
Stay for a while and close the door 
cause you are fire 

There's no need to rush 
Just relax cause tonight's gonna do what it does 
I can't get enough 
I just gotta say 
I just gotta say 

You are fire 
but your blue eyes 
Are brighter 
I've never felt this way before 
Stay for a while and close the door 
cause you are fire 

You are fire 
but your blue eyes 
Are brighter 
I've never felt this way before
La letra de la canción You Are Fire - Prince Royce es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Prince Royce.
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