Alienated - Lady Gaga

Alienated - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga


Letra de la canción Alienated - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Alienated esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Alienated - Lady Gaga
Since I become a shooting star
I've been wondering where you are
Seems like your forever in a getaway
Momma told me that it would happen to me one day
Feels like we've been apart for some light years
Crater in my heart, filled with my tears
Stars align, I'll be your girl again
What I'm tryin say, I want you back in my world again

You're the reason I don't change my number
I want you to know that it's still the same
And I bet you remember that summer
When we kicked it everyday
Don't know how it happened, just happened
Kinda like we faded away
And I feel so alienated, don't you feel so alienated

I miss you and I want you back
I lost your signal, Where you at?
And I don't know how we lost contact
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Where did you go? I'm searching for you

Sitting watching time passing by me
Voice in my head asking why me?
I'm here wishing you would stop by my place
But the only time we talk is on MySpace
By the way, have you found my replacement?
She should be the one on this spaceship
Waking up, reaching for you when you're not there
You got me in another galaxy, I'm out there

You're the reason I don't change my number
I want you to know that it's still the same
Oh boy I know you remember that summer
When we kicked it everyday
Don't know how it happened, just happened
Kinda like we faded away
And I feel so alienated, don't you feel so alienated

I miss you and I want you back
I lost your signal, Where you at?
And I don't know how we lost contact
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Where did you go? I'm searching for you

Where did you go? I'm searching for you
I wanna know, where did you go?
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
I wanna know, where did you go?
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
I wanna know, where did you go?
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
I wanna know, where did you go?

System, Outta my system, Outta my system
System, Outta my system, Outta my system
How can I get you outta my
System, Outta my system, Outta my system
Where did you go? I'm searching for you

System, my system, my system (If I could only get you)
System, my system, my system (Outta my system baby)
System, my system, my system
Where did you go? I'm searching for you, yeah
La letra de la canción Alienated - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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