Stuck On Fuckin' You - Lady Gaga

Stuck On Fuckin' You - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Stuck On Fuckin' You

Letra de la canción Stuck On Fuckin' You - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Stuck On Fuckin' You esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Stuck On Fuckin' You - Lady Gaga
Got no plans
Got no clothes
Got no piano
We got no shows

No, I've got nothin to do
But to be stuck on you

Got no flights out of here
Got no TV shows until next year
No, I've got nothin to do
But to be stuck on you

Baby, you're my liquor
I'm addicted to you
So I'll just be stuck on
Stuck on fuckin' you

Stuck on fuckin' you

I don't ever want just another boy or a girl
Baby, you and I, baby, you and I could change the world
I don't ever want just another boy or a girl to love
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck
Stuck on you

Got all night
No cameras
We got no champagne
But we got drugs

No, I've got nothin to do
But to be stuck on you

Purple sheets
Symbol clock
Gonna spend my time
Rockin' on top

Yeah, I've got nothin to do
But to be stuck on you

Baby, you're my Johnnie Walker
Baby, it's true
So I'll just be stuck on
Stuck on fuckin' you

Stuck on fuckin' you

I don't ever want just another boy or a girl
Cuz baby, you and I, baby, you and I'd change the world
I don't ever want just another boy or a girl to love
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck
On you
On you

Got no plans, plans, plans
Got no flights
Oh, I don't get no TV shows
But we got mice in the kitchen
But we don't care
Cuz we're in love

Get in the shower
I'll meet you there
I bought you some hippie shit
From the daddy down the stairs, oh yeah

Loving on my man smells so good

Don't forget me, baby
Don't forget me when I leave and go on tour
Cuz I know your life would be a snore
You'd be all stuck on fucking this hooker, whore
This hooker, whore

Got no nothin
You're in the next room
You fell asleep on my tour bus
While me and Fernando are callin' Justin and Dave
We're makin' music
But I miss you

The fridge is broke
And we're drinking warm champagne
But we don't care cuz we're in Minnesota
And we're sold out show again
And it's a sold out show again

Okay, just stop it
I could go on forever
La letra de la canción Stuck On Fuckin' You - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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