All I Need
Letra de la canción All I Need - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción All I Need esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de All I Need - Michael Jackson
Cause this time of ours is borrowed
We must give a helping hand
Whatever happen to our heroes
They must get another chance
(We can do it again)
We drove close, closer and closer
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Come together all the people (we can do it now)
Here's your chance to make it right (go, take a chance)
And even though we're gettin' close
We're not there just yet
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Then one more time close your eyes
I'm always here to stay
(I'm always here)
(Oh I)
(I'm always here)
We can do it again
(I'm always here)
We drove close, closer and closer
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Come together all the people (we can do it now)
Here's your chance to make it right (go, take a chance)
And even though we're gettin' close
We're not there just yet
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Then one more time close your eyes
I'm always here to stay
(I'm always here)
(Oh I)
(I'm always here)
We can do it again
(I'm always here)
We must give a helping hand
Whatever happen to our heroes
They must get another chance
(We can do it again)
We drove close, closer and closer
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Come together all the people (we can do it now)
Here's your chance to make it right (go, take a chance)
And even though we're gettin' close
We're not there just yet
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Then one more time close your eyes
I'm always here to stay
(I'm always here)
(Oh I)
(I'm always here)
We can do it again
(I'm always here)
We drove close, closer and closer
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Come together all the people (we can do it now)
Here's your chance to make it right (go, take a chance)
And even though we're gettin' close
We're not there just yet
And even though we're almost there
You are all I need in my life
You are all I dream here at night
Close your eyes imagine I'm taking you away
Then one more time close your eyes
I'm always here to stay
(I'm always here)
(Oh I)
(I'm always here)
We can do it again
(I'm always here)
La letra de la canción All I Need - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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