Amen Fashion - Lady Gaga

Amen Fashion - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Amen Fashion

Letra de la canción Amen Fashion - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Amen Fashion esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Amen Fashion - Lady Gaga
Black, black, black
Black, black, black
Black, black, black.

Jesus is the new black
Jesus is the new black
Jesus is the new black
Jesus is the new black, aow!

I grew up in New York City,
Since I was born on Broadway, baby!
Moved downtown when I was just 19,
To start a new life on the New York scene.

There's no way I could be stop,
Was taken my best shot,
I have better plans.
There no way I could be stop,
Was coming for your spot.
I'm in a battle, man.

* Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.
Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.

Dancing in my revelation,
On a ground pop civilization.
Concrete poetry to feed my mind mood.
Symbolism was left behind.

There's no way I could be stop,
Was taken my best shot,
I have better plans.
There no way I could be stop,
Was coming for your spot.
I'm in a battle, man.

* repeat

Put in on,
A-Amen Fashion
Celebrate, uh uh!
A new compassion

Put it on,
Amen Fashion
Celebrate, uh uh!
Style your passion.

Put in on,
A-Amen Fashion
Celebrate, uh uh!
A new compassion.

Put it on,
Amen Fashion
Celebrate, uh uh!
Wear out your vision.

Black Jesus
Black Jesus
Black Jesus
Jesus is the new black, aow!!

Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.
Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.

Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.
Amen, on the runway,
Dress in its best.
Amen Fashion, on the runway,
Work it! Black Jesus.
La letra de la canción Amen Fashion - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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