Bad Kids - Lady Gaga

Bad Kids - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Bad Kids

Letra de la canción Bad Kids - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Bad Kids esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Bad Kids - Lady Gaga
Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Blueberry kisses, my lips they miss his, oh yeah
Where did you go now? Where did you go?
Blueberry kisses, I told you baby, I'd love you maybe
But you stopped the clock the second time around

I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)
I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)
I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)

Blueberry kisses, the muffin man
He misses them kisses, yeah
Where did they go now? Where did you go?
Blueberry kisses

I told you baby, I'd L.O.V. E you maybe
But you stopped the clock the second time around
You know it's crazy, but I've been feeling lately
That I need you around

I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)
I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)
I need you around
(Blueberry kisses)

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
You got some very bad kids

Hoo, hoo, hoo
(Love in the air)
Hoo, hoo, hoo
La letra de la canción Bad Kids - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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