Between the lines - One Direction

Between the lines - One Direction
One Direction

Between the lines

Letra de la canción Between the lines - One Direction, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Between the lines esta publicada en la categoria One Direction donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
One Direction
Letra de Between the lines - One Direction
	Sometimes, sometimes I feel I'm tearing you apart 
I'm taking you, so long to let it drop 
because of something good, 
I dont know what to do, what to do. 
I'm loose but suddenly, becoming something true 
and nothing can complain 
I found in you and I could take way, 
but I can't look back, 
I shouldn't look back. 

And I, I don't wanna wait, 
another day with you, 
I dont wanna take her heart 
and give my heart at you. 
Can you feel my heart beat? 
Cause as look, as weight it feels, 
but I'm tearing you apart, 
read between the lines. 
Oh, you're gonna read between the lines. 

You take,take,and everything, 
my heart can be the same, 
as long as I regret to take away, 
but something tells me dont look back 
cause I will fall, and I will fall. 
You say, our memories should look 
at moving on. 
And suddenly, the best to holding on 
but something tells me that 
I never should be afraid, 
should be afraid. 

And I, I don't wanna waste 
another day with you, 
I don't wanna take my heart 
and feeling like at you 
Can you feel my heart beat? 
cause it's something, (about) 
the way me feels 
like I'm tearing you apart, 
between the lines. 
Oh, you're gonna read between the lines. 
You're gonna read, 
You're gonna read between the lines. 
You're gonna read between the lines.
La letra de la canción Between the lines - One Direction es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista One Direction.
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