Big Girl Now (en ingles) - Lady Gaga

Big Girl Now (en ingles) - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Big Girl Now (en ingles)

Letra de la canción Big Girl Now (en ingles) - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Big Girl Now (en ingles) esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Big Girl Now (en ingles) - Lady Gaga
I'm a big boy, you're a big girl now, now, now...
I'm a big girl, you're a big boy now, now, now...

Back in the day, when you were young (It was fun)
Little girl, didn't think you were the one (Now, here I come)
Your sexy walk, your sexy talk (That's what's up)
Little girl, you're clearly not the same kid from the block

I ain't that little girl no more, not no more, that's for sure
Boy, your get ass out on the floor, lets explore, lets explore

You know I like the way you move it (move it)
Girl, you're all grown up and now you're ready to let it go
Wanna be a big girl 'bout to prove it (prove it)
With a body like that, you've got a grown man ready to blow

I'm a big boy, you're a big girl now, now, now
I'm a big girl, you're a big boy now, now, now

Back in the day, when I was young (Kinda dumb)
But I always knew I'd be the one (Now, here you come)
Gonna get you wet, gonna make you sweat (Girl, I bet)
Gonna give you something you ain't never gonna forget

You ain't no little girl no more, no, that's for sure, yup, booty like oh...
Wanna work it like a big girl, lets explore
Now, drop it to the floor, baby, get more

Chorus 2x

I'm a big boy, you're a big girl now, now, now
I'm a big girl, you're a big boy now, now, now
I'm a big boy, you're a big girl now, now, now
I'm a big girl, you're a big boy now, now, now

I've been waiting too long for you to get naughty
Beat this, spank me daddy, come on touch my body

See that good things come to those who wait
Come take me on before it's too late

Oh... Baby, oh yeah, you know I like the way...

Chorus 2x

Hey, hey, hey... Hey, hey, hey...
A grown man ready to blow...
La letra de la canción Big Girl Now (en ingles) - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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