Blood On The Dance Floor - Michael Jackson

Blood On The Dance Floor - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Blood On The Dance Floor

Letra de la canción Blood On The Dance Floor - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Blood On The Dance Floor esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Blood On The Dance Floor - Michael Jackson
She got your number
She know your game
She put you under
It's so insane
Since you seduced her
How does it feel
To know that woman
Is out to kill
Every night stance is like takin' a chance
It's not about love and romance
And now you're gonna get it
Every hot man is out takin' a chance
It's not about love and romance
And now you do regret it
To escape the world
I got to enjoy that simple dance
And it seemed that everything was on my side
(Right on my side)
She seemed sincere like it was love
And true romance
And now she's out to get me
But I just can't take it
Just can't break it
Susie got your number
And Susie ain't your friend
Look who took you under
With seven inches in
Blood is on the dance floor
Blood is on the knife
Susie got your number
And Susie says it's right
She got your number
How does it feel
To know the stranger
Is out to kill
She got your baby
It happened fast
If you could only erase the past
Every night stance is like takin' a chance
It's not about love and romance
And now you're gonna get it
Every hot man is out takin' a chance
It's not about love and romance
And now you do regret it
To escape the world
I got to enjoy that simple dance
And it seemed that everything was on my side
(Right on my side)
She seemed sincere like it was love
And true romance
And now she's out to get me
But I just can't take it
Just can't break it
Susie got your number
And Susie ain't your friend
Look who took you under
With seven inches in
Blood is on the dance floor
Blood is on the knife
Susie got your number
And Susie says it's right
Susie got your number
Susie ain't your friend
(It's going down, baby)
Look who took you under
She stuck seven inches in
Blood is on the dance floor
Blood is on the knife
(It's going down, baby)
Susie got your number
You know Susie says it's right
It was blood on the dance floor
(Blood on the dance floor)
And I just can't take it
The girl won't break it
La letra de la canción Blood On The Dance Floor - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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