Boys, Boys Boys
Letra de la canción Boys, Boys Boys - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Boys, Boys Boys esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Boys, Boys Boys - Lady Gaga
Hey there sugar baby Saw you twice at the pop show You taste just like glitter Mixed with rock and roll I like you a lot,lot Think you're really hot,hot I know you think you're special When we dance real crazy Glamaphonic, electronic, di-disco baby I like you a lot lot All we want is hot hot Chorus: Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys We love them Ohhh Woahh,wowoahh Baby is a bad boy With some retro sneakers Let's go see The Killers And make out in the bleachers I like you a lot,lot think you're really hot,hot Let's go to the party Heard our buddy's the DJ Don't forget my lipstick I left it in your ashtray I like you a lot,lot All we want is hot,hot Chorus: Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys We love them(We love them) (Repeat Chorus) I'm not loose, I like to party Let's get lost in you Ferrari Not psychotic or dramatic I like boys and that is that Love it when you call me legs In the morning buy me eggs Watch your heart when we're together Boys like you love me forever Oohh... Woahh Ohhh... Wooahh Oohh... Wooahh... Oohh... Woahh... Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys We love them(We love them) (Repeat 2x)
La letra de la canción Boys, Boys Boys - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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