Boys - Britney Spears

Boys - Britney Spears
Letra de la canción Boys - Britney Spears, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Boys esta publicada en la categoria Britney Spears donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Britney Spears

Letra de Boys - Britney Spears

For whatever reason,
I feel like i've been wanting you all my life
You don't understand
I'm so glad we're at the same place
At the same time, it's over now

I spotted you dancin'
You made all the girls stare
Those lips and your brown eyes (oooh)
And the sexy hair
I should shake my thang
Make the world want you (giggle)
Tell your boys you'll be back
I wanna see what you can do (uh)

What would it take for you to just leave with me?
Not tryin to sound conceited but
You and me were meant to be (yeah)
You're a sexy guy, i'm a nice girl
Let's turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world!

Sometimes a girl just needs one (you know i need you)
To love her and to hold (i just want you to touch me)
And when a girl is with one (mmm, mmm)
Then she's in control!

Took the boy off the dance floor
Screaming in his ear
Musta' said somethin bout me (what you say)
Cuz he's lookin over here
You lookin at me (giggle)
With a sexy attitude
But the way your boys movin it (uh)
It puts me in the mood

What would it take for you to just leave with me?
Not tryin to sound conceited
But you and me were meant to be
You're a sexy guy, i'm a nice girl
Let's turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world

Sometimes a girl just needs one (i get nasty)
To love her and to hold (i get nasty)
And when a girl is with one (i get nasty)
Then she's in control! (you like that? Here we go..)

Tonite let's fly
Boy have no fear (have no fear)
There's no time to loose
And next week,
You might not see me here (uh-huh)
So boy just make your move (let me see what you can do)

Sometimes a girl just needs one (i like that)
Boys! (i like that)
To love her and to hold
And when a girl is with one (it's gonna turn me on)
Then she's in control!

Come with me
Let's fly into the night
Oh boy, tonite is ours (it's just you and me baby)
When huggin me, make sure you hold me tonite
Let's head for the stars

Get nasty!
Moan moan moan, ouw !

Sometimes a girl just needs one
To love her and to hold
And when a girl is with one
Then she's in control!

Can't live with em'
Cant live without em'!

La letra de la canción Boys - Britney Spears es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Britney Spears.
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