Radar - Britney Spears

Radar - Britney Spears
Letra de la canción Radar - Britney Spears, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Radar esta publicada en la categoria Britney Spears donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Britney Spears
Letra de Radar - Britney Spears
Confidence is a must
Happiness is a plus
Edginess is a rush
Edges I like them rough
A man with a midas touch
Intoxicate me
I’m a rush
Stop you’re making me blush
People are looking at us

I don’t think you know, know
I’m checking you
So hot, so hot
Wonder if he knows
He’s on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
And if I notice you
I know it’s you
Don’t wanna losing you
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

When you walk
(When you walk)
And when you talk
(When you talk)
I get the tingle
I wanna mingle
That’s what I want
(That’s what I want)

And listen baby
Turn up the fader
Trying to make you understand
You’re on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar

Interesting sense of style
Ten million dollar smile
Think I can handle that
And I’m all in the sack
His eyes see right to my soul
I saw and lose self-control
Catch me looking again
Falling right into my plan

I don’t think you know, know
I’m checking you
So hot, so hot
Wonder if he knows
He’s on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
And if I notice you
I know it’s you
Don’t wanna losing you
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

When you walk
(When you walk)
And when you talk
(When you talk)
I get the tingle
I wanna mingle
That’s what I want
(That’s what I want)

And listen baby
Turn up the fader
Trying to make you understand
You’re on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
On my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar

I got my eye on you
And I can’t let you get away
Hey baby
Whether it’s now or later
I’ve got you
You can’t shake me
Cause I got you on my radar
Whether you like it or not
It ain’t gonna stop
Cause I got you on my radar
(I got you)
Cause I got you on my radar

I’m checking you
So hot, so hot
Wonder if he knows
He’s on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
And if I notice you
I know it’s you
Don’t wanna losing you
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

When you walk
(When you walk)
And when you talk
(When you talk)
I get the tingle
I wanna mingle
That’s what I want
(That’s what I want)

And listen baby
Turn up the fader
Trying to make you understand
You’re on my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar
On my radar

Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
On my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
Got you on my radar
La letra de la canción Radar - Britney Spears es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Britney Spears.
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