Break Of Dawn - Michael Jackson

Break Of Dawn - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Break Of Dawn

Letra de la canción Break Of Dawn - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Break Of Dawn esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Break Of Dawn - Michael Jackson
Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mine
You and me, makin' love all the way through another night
I remember you and I walking though the park at night
Kiss and touch, nothing much, let it blow just touch and go
Love me more, never leave me alone by house of love
People talk, people say what we have is just a game
Oh, I'll never let you go, come here girl
Just got to make sweet love 'til the break of dawn
I don't want the sun to shine I wanna make love
Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
I don't know what I'm gonna do I can't stop lovin' you
I won't stop 'til break of dawn makin' love
Hold my hand, feel the sweat, yes you've got me nervous yet
Let me groove, let me soothe, let me take you on a cruise
There's imagination I bet you've never been there before
Have you ever wanted to dream about those places you've never know
Break of dawn, there's no sun up in the sky
Break of dawn, I can see it in your eyes
Break of dawn, girl you got to understand
It's the way that I love you, let me show you I'm your man
Break of dawn
[Chorus x 2]
Let's not wait, the sun is out, let's get up and let's get out
It's the day, a brand new day, let's both go outside and play
Let us walk down the park, makin' love 'til it's dark
Let me move, let me soothe, 'til the break of dawn and you know it's true, oh
[Chorus x 3]
La letra de la canción Break Of Dawn - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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