Burn Tonight - Michael Jackson

Burn Tonight - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Burn Tonight

Letra de la canción Burn Tonight - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Burn Tonight esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Burn Tonight - Michael Jackson
Read you from a mile away
Lips that makes it easy to adore
A taste of me
Let the fountain pour
Girl, I meant like, stand and see
Ooh I wanna taste you skin
Ooh I wanna
Girl, I gotta wonder
If we can drown again
If you can touch me again
Say we will dance
Light fire to my skin
We burn again
Girl I wanna testify
Ooh come on and let light eh fire
We can make it work tonight
Baby come on and let me light the fire
You can let me touch the fire
Ooh come, let me light the fire
You can make me burn tonight
Rain and thunder when you burn tonight
I can't believe we're burnin' hard right now
Feel the fire
We're burnin' like Hell came tonight
My soul desires (deciders)
I can't let nobody stop the thing we got
It makes you wonder
A friend of mine? Sexy wine?
Baby why you play me like a toy
When you say ''Take me again''
When that we dance
We passionately stop to burn again
Girl I wanna testify
Ooh come on and let light eh fire
We can make it work tonight
Baby come on and let me light the fire
You can let me touch the fire
Ooh come, let me light the fire
You can make me burn tonight
Rain and thunder when you burn tonight
(Light the fire)
Girl I wanna testify
Ooh come on and let light eh fire
We can make it work tonight
Baby come on and let me light the fire
You can let me touch the fire
Ooh come, let me light the fire
You can make me burn tonight
Rain and thunder when you burn tonight
Girl I wanna testify
Ooh come on and let light eh fire
We can make it work tonight
Baby come on and let me light the fire
You can let me touch the fire
Ooh come, let me light the fire
You can make me burn tonight
Rain and thunder when you burn tonight
La letra de la canción Burn Tonight - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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