Butterflies - Michael Jackson

Butterflies - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson


Letra de la canción Butterflies - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Butterflies esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Butterflies - Michael Jackson
All you got to do
Is walk away and pass me by
Don't acknowledge my smile
When I try to say hello to you, yeah
And all you got to do
Is not answer my calls
When I'm trying to get through
Keep me wondering why
When all I can do is sigh
I just wanna touch you
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
All I got to say
Is that I must be dreaming
Can't be real
You're not here with me
Still but I can feel you near to me
I caress you
Let you taste us just so blissful listen
I would give you anything, baby
Just make my dreams come true
Oh baby, you give me butterflies
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
(You give me)
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
(You give me)
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
If you would take my hand
Baby, I would show you
Guide you to the light, baby
If you would be my love
Baby I will love you
Love you till the end of time
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
(Girl, you give me)
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
I just wanna touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I
La letra de la canción Butterflies - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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