Can't Let Her Get Away - Michael Jackson

Can't Let Her Get Away - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Can't Let Her Get Away

Letra de la canción Can't Let Her Get Away - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Can't Let Her Get Away esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Can't Let Her Get Away - Michael Jackson
I Thought She Had To Have It
Since The First Time She Came
Who Knows The Situation
Mysteries Do Remain
And Now I Wonder Why
I Breakdown When I Cry
Is It Something I Said
Or Is It Just A Lie
(Is It Just A Lie)
I Try So Hard To Love You
Some Things Take
Time And Shame
I Think The Whole World
Of You
Your Thoughts Of Me Remain
I'll Play The Fool For You
I'll Change The Rules For You
Just Say It And I'll Do
Just Make This Thing Come True
(Make A Dream Come True)
If I Let Her Get Away
Though I'm Begging
On My Knees
I'll Be Crying Everyday
Knowing The Girl
That Got Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Tried To Mastermind It
By Saying Let It Be
But Everytime I Did It
The Hurt Came Back At Me
I Told You That I Need You
A Thousand Times And Why
I Played The Fool For You
And Still You Said Goodbye
(Still You Said Goodbye)
If I Let Her Get Away
Then The World Will
Have To See
A Fool Who Lives Alone
And The Fool Who
Set You Free
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I've Got The Feelin'
Can't Let Go
Can't Let Go
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
I Can't Let
I Can't Let Her Get Away
La letra de la canción Can't Let Her Get Away - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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