Cheater - Michael Jackson

Cheater - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Cheater - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Cheater esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Cheater - Michael Jackson
[Wha!] [Ho!] [Back On Me!] [ooh (soft)] 
You know I'm worked too hard for this kind of play, [Ho!] 
I wrote a letter for the getter of the C.I.A., [Ho!] 
I don't care a jack wonderin' 'bout whatcha do. [Ho!] 
Just put your dime on the line cause it's I.O.U., [Ho!]
Somebody said, give up instead - on how ya feel, [uhn-uh...] 
One blow to the head is all ya need. 
I ain't takin' it ya... Cheataaaaaaah. 
[Do it!] [What!] [Back On!] [What!] 
[Do it!] [What!] [Get Back on Me!] [Uhh (soft)]
Oh you better go and get yourself some attitude, [Ho!] 
I know your name of the game isn't I.O.U., [Ho!] 
You're tellin' me that you're coming to a compromise, [Ho!] 
You smile and let me while you stealin' right before my eyes, [Ya hold me!] [Ho!]
Somebody said, give up instead - on how ya feel, [uh-uh...] 
One blow to the head is all ya need. 
I ain't takin' it ya... Cheataaaaaaah. 
[Do it!] [What!] [Back On!] [What!] 
[Do it!] [What!] [Get Back on Me!]
I hurt my back bone baby, 
I start to give it up, 
Life is not (a) walk bay-ba, 
Turned by the palette of (ya), 
I broke my radiator, 
I flipped a stack of bowls, 
I can't relive my body, 
Don't you wet my comb!
I don't care a jack wonderin' 'bout whatcha do. [Ho!] 
Just sign your name on the line, baby I.O.U., [Dog-gone-it] [Huh!] 
You are a... Cheataaaaaaah. 
[Do it!] [Give it to me!] 
[What!] [Back On!] [What!] 
[Do it!] [What!] [Get Back on Me!]
Somebody said, give up instead - on how ya feel, 
One blow to the head is all ya need. 
I ain't takin' it ya... Cheataaaaaaah. 
[Back on me!] [[Ya Give it to me!] 
[Cheatin' baby] [Yah come on!] 
[Cheatin' baby] You are a... Cheataaaaaaah. [Woohoo] [Woohoo] [Woohoo]
La letra de la canción Cheater - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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