Cry - Michael Jackson

Cry - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Cry - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Cry esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Cry - Michael Jackson
Somebody shakes when the wind blows
Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
Somebody's lacking a hero
And they have not a clue
When it's all gonna end
Stories buried and untold
Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
When will this mystery unfold?
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind man's eyes when he cries?
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
People laugh when they're feelin sad
Someone is taking a life, hold on
Respect to believe in your dreams
Tell me where were you
when your children cried last night?
Faces fill with madness
Miracles unheard of, hold on
Faith is found in the winds
All we have to do
Is reach for the truth
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
And when that flag blows
There'll be no more wars
And when all calls
I will answer all your prayers
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
Change the world
La letra de la canción Cry - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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