Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga

Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Dance In The Dark

Letra de la canción Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dance In The Dark esta publicada en la categoria Lady Gaga donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Lady Gaga
Letra de Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga
Inject me

Baby I'm a free bit(ch)
I'm a free bit(ch)

Some girls won't dance to the beat of the track
She won't walk away, but she won't look back
She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a mess
She's a mess, she's a mess
Now the girl is dressed
She's a mess, she's a mess
She's a mess, she's a mess

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance in the dark

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance,
Love to dance in the dark

Around her kiss is a vampire grin
Moonlight's away while she's howling at him
She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a tramp
She's a tramp, she's a vamp
But she still does her dance
She's a tramp, she's a vamp
But she still gives the dance

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance in the dark

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance,
Love to dance in the dark

In the dark
She loves to dance in the dark
In the dark
She loves to, loves to dance in the dark

Marilyn, Judy, Sylvia
Tell them how you feel girls
Work your (Blondie, Benét Ramsey ?)
Haunt like Liberace
Find your freedom in the music
Find your Jesus
Find your Cupid
You will never fall apart Diana
You're still in our hearts
Never let you fall apart
Together we'll dance in the dark

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance in the dark (Baby)

Baby love to dance in the dark
Cos when he's looking she falls apart
Baby love to dance,
Love to dance in the dark

In the dark
La letra de la canción Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Lady Gaga.
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