Dancing Machine - Michael Jackson

Dancing Machine - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Dancing Machine

Letra de la canción Dancing Machine - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dancing Machine esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Dancing Machine - Michael Jackson
Dancing, dancing, dancing
She's a dancing machine
Ah babe
Move it baby
Automatic Systematic
Full of color self contained
Tune that shadow to your vibes
Captivating Stimulating
She's such a sexy lady
Filled with space age design
She's moving grooving, She's moving grooving
Dancing to the music stop now
Rythmetic acrobatic
She a dynamite attraction
At the drop of a coin she comes alive, yea
She knows what she's doing
She super bad now
She's here to really blow your mind
Dancing, dancing, dancing
She's a dancing machine
Ah babe
Do it baby
Dancing, dancing, dancing
She's a dancing machine
Ah babe
Move it baby
She's a dance, dance, dancing machine
Watch her get down, watch her get down
As she do, do, do her thing
Right on the scene
She's a dance, dance, dancing machine
Watch her get down, watch her get down
As she do, do, do her thing
Right on the scene
Come on baby
Come on baby
Huu Baby
Huu Baby
Shake it baby
Shake it baby
Huu Baby
Huu Baby
Shes a dance, dance, dancing machine
Watch her get down, watch her get down
As she do, do, do her thing
Right on the scene
Shes a dance, dance, dancing machine
Watch her get down, watch her get down
As she do, do, do her thing
Right on the scene...
La letra de la canción Dancing Machine - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M

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