Dilly Dally - Nicki Minaj

Dilly Dally - Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj

Dilly Dally

Letra de la canción Dilly Dally - Nicki Minaj, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dilly Dally esta publicada en la categoria Nicki Minaj donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nicki Minaj
Letra de Dilly Dally - Nicki Minaj
Nicki minaj, dirty money, I don't think ya'll
Understand what I'm about to do, I'm about to
Master these bitches man 

I used to dilly dally, now I dilly to calli 
Used to push a pink dinali, now it's chevi impalis 
I used to be broker than them niggas in alleys,
Now I get my work it out like biggidy bally 
I sed to go hard, used cop the brim 
Used to take the dolla car, used to shop at vim 
Now I take it real easy, the hood believe me 
I don't mean cover girl wen I say "easy breezy" 
Jimeny cricket, let the master in,
When it come to bad bitches I'm the last at kin 
I'm bringin S.E.X.Y. B.A.C.K. if nicki
Ain't the best suck a D.I.C.K. 
I'm young nicolas, my style rediculous 
I herd your money funny, well mommy I'm ticklish 
I gotta laugh. I gotta laugh at it 
I always got crack I guess I'm a crack addict 

I don't know man, I think these bitches is
Real scared right now, like dam I got these
Bitches shaking in they boots man, 
Dirty money, ayo pri, bring the next verse in my nigga 

I used to make a dollar stretch like a pilati,
Now I gotta play the potty n it's up in ginadi 
Gotta push the masserati, candy paint on the body 
Making money off the hobby, taking flicks
In the lobby 
I'm in the future, I'm ahead of my time 
And you can't duplicate me I'm like one of a kind 
They think I'm making fun of them when
I b like nahh nahh nah nah 
Thas the track lil mama look nahh nahh nah nah 
Do wat I do it, like I do it for the tv 
Bitches must be blind cause these bitches can see me 
Do it all for gp, tell em to suck a pee pee 
Monday LA tuesday I'm in DC 
Get a ticket or u only get a snippet 
If you write your lyrics lil mama I can dig it 
I show u how I do it 
What do s really magic 
Abra cadab tricks are for kids silly rabbit
La letra de la canción Dilly Dally - Nicki Minaj es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Nicki Minaj.
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