Do The Bartman - Michael Jackson

Do The Bartman - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Do The Bartman

Letra de la canción Do The Bartman - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Do The Bartman esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Do The Bartman - Michael Jackson
Yo! Hey, what's happenin', dude?
I'm the guy with a rep for bein' rude.
Terrorizin' people wherever I go
It's not intenentional, just keepin' the flow.
Fixin' test scores to get the best scores
Droppin' bananna peels all over the floor
I'm the kid who made delinquincy an art
Last name: Simpson. First name: Bart.
I'm here today to introduce the next phase
the next step in the big Bart craze
I got a new dance, real easy to do
I learned it with no rhythm and so can you [ooh!].
So move your body, if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Now that you got it if you think you can
Do it to the music - that's the Bart, man.
Background singer (chorus):
Everybody if you can, do the Bart, man
Shake your body turn it out, if you can, man
[obscured] the side as you can can
Everybody in the house do the Bart, man.
repeat chorus
It wasn't long ago, just a couple of weeks
I got in trouble - yeah, pretty deep.
Homer was yellin' [Bart!] Mom was too
Because I put mothballs in the beef stew.
Punishment time - in the air lurks gloom
Sittin' by myself confined to my room
When all else fails, nothin' else left to do
I turn on the music so I can feel the groove
Background singer (alternate chorus):
Move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock like motion
Move your hips from side to side now
If you've got the groove, you gotta use it
Rock rhythim in time with the music
Just might start a chain reaction
If you can do the Bart, you're bad, like Michael Jackson
Background singer:
Do the Bart, man. Everybody back and forth, from side to side.
Do the Bart, man. Now here's a dance beat that you can't deny:
Turn it down! Will you stop that infernal racket!
Background singer:
Do the Bart, man!
[sax solo]
Oh my ears! Lisa! Put that saxophone away! Ya can't touch this!
I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.
Now I'm in the house feelin' good to be home
'Till Lisa starts blowin' that damn saxophone
And if it was mine, you know they'd take it away.
But still I'm feelin' good, so that's okay.
I'm up in my room, just a-singin' a song
Listen to the kick-drum kickin' along.
Now Lisa like Jazz, she's [obs] number one fan
But I know I'm bad, 'cause I do the Bart, man.
Do the Bart, man. Everybody back and forth from side to side.
Do the Bart, man! She can do it, he can do it, so can I.
Background singer:
2nd half, alternate chorus
mix chorus & alternate chorus until end.
La letra de la canción Do The Bartman - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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