Doggin' Around - Michael Jackson

Doggin' Around - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Doggin' Around

Letra de la canción Doggin' Around - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Doggin' Around esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Doggin' Around - Michael Jackson
You better stop
Your doggin' around
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause if you don't stop
I'm gonna have to put you down
I can't take it much longer
My heart's getting weak
It's not getting any stronger
You keep me so upset
My head's in a whirl
But if you wanna be, yeah
Be my girl
You better stop
Your doggin' around
You know what I'm talkin' about
Yeah, yeah, yeah
If you don't stop
I'm gonna have to put you down
Baby, yes I do, yes I do
Gonna, gonna put you down
You're doggin' me (repeat)
I'm gonna have to put you down
Yes you do, you're doggin' me (repeat)
You better stop
Your doggin' me around
La letra de la canción Doggin' Around - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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