E Papa Re - Santana

E Papa Re - Santana

E Papa Re

Letra de la canción E Papa Re - Santana, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción E Papa Re esta publicada en la categoria Santana donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de E Papa Re - Santana
The sun is slowly rising
The day is just beginning
Let me take you to a
Place you've never been to
Imagine that you're walking
With me in the jungle
The natives they are dancing
And singing to a ritual
E papa re, e papa re...
The music's getting to you
Your knees are feeling shaky
Your mind is getting dizzy
The spell is taking over
Suddenly you find yourself
Surrounded by these people
Ain't no use to try and struggle
You know it would be useless
Out of nowhere comes their leader
Commanding all attention
He signals them to set you free
But to keep on singing
E papa re, e papa re...
All around below above
The magic's flowing freely
Everybody's soaked in sweat
Drenched by their own feelings
Incantations cry out loud
The fire keeps on burning
now you're in a time and space
From where there's no returning
La letra de la canción E Papa Re - Santana es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Santana.
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