Ego - Beyonce

Ego - Beyonce


Letra de la canción Ego - Beyonce, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Ego esta publicada en la categoria Beyonce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Ego - Beyonce
Aw, baby, how you doing?
You know I'ma cut right
to the chase, huh?
Some women were made
But me, myself?
I like to think that I was created
For a special purpose
You know?
What's more special than YOU?
You feel me?

It´s on, baby let's get lost
You don't need to call
in to work cause you the boss
For real, want you to
show me how you feel
I consider myself a colossal big deal, Why?
Well, you got the key to my heart
But you ain't gon' get it
I'd rather you open up my body
And show me secrets you
didn't know was inside
No need for me to lie

It´s too big (big)
It´s too wide (wide)
It´s too strong (strong)
It won't fit (fit)
It´s too much (much)
It´s too tough (tough)
He talk like this cause
he can back it up
He got a big ego
Such a huge ego
But, I love his big ego
It´s too much
He walk like this cause
he can back it up

Usually I'm humble
Right now, I don't choose
You can leave with me
Or, you could have the blues
Some call it arrogant
I call it confident
You decide when you find out
what I'm working with
Damn, I know
I'm killing you with them legs
Better yet, them thighs
Matter of fact its' my
smile, or maybe my eyes?
Boy, you a sight to see
Kinda sutt'n like me

It´s too big (big)
It´s too wide (wide)
It´s too strong (strong)
It won't fit (fit)
It´s too much (much)
It´s too tough (tough)
I talk like this cause
I can back it up
I got a big ego
Such a huge ego
But, he love my big ego
It´s too much
I walk like this cause
I can back it up

I, I walk like this cause
I can back it up
I, I talk like this cause
I can back it up
I, I, I can back it up,
I can back it up
I Walk like this cause
I can back it up

It´s too big (big)
It´s too wide (wide)
It´s too strong (strong)
It won't fit (fit)
It´s too much (much)
It´s too tough (tough)
He talk like this cause
he can back it up
He got a big ego
Such a huge ego...such a huge ego
But, I love his big ego
It´s too much
He walk like this cause
he can back it up

Ego so BIG you must admit
I got every reason to feel
like I'm that BITCH
Ego so strong, if you ain't know?
I don't need no beat, I can
sing it with piano...
La letra de la canción Ego - Beyonce es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Beyonce.
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