Irreplaceable - Beyonce

Irreplaceable - Beyonce


Letra de la canción Irreplaceable - Beyonce, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Irreplaceable esta publicada en la categoria Beyonce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Letra de Irreplaceable - Beyonce

To the left
To the left

To the left
To the left

Mmmm to the left
Everything you own in the box to the left
In the closet, thats my stuff
Yes, if I bought it, then please don´t touch (don´t touch)

And keep talking that mess, thats fine
Could you walk and talk, at the same time?
And its my name thats on that jag
So go move your bags, let me call you a cab

Standing in the front yard, telling me
How I´m such a fool, talking ´bout
How I´ll never ever find a man like you
You got me twisted

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I could have another you in a minute
Matter fact, he´ll be here in a minute (baby)

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I can have another you by tomorrow
So don´t you ever for a second get to thinkin´
You´re irreplaceable

So go ahead and get grown
Call up that chick, and see if shes home
Oops I bet you thought, that I didn´t know
What did you think
I was putting you out for?
Because you was untrue
Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
Baby, drop them keys
Hurry up, before your taxi leaves

Standing in the front yard, telling me
How I´m such a fool, talking ´bout
How I´ll never ever find a man like you
You got me twisted

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I could have another you in a minute
Matter fact, he´ll be here in a minute (baby)

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I´ll have another you by tomorrow
So don´t you ever for a second get to thinkin´
You´re irreplaceable

So since I´m not your everything
How about I´ll be nothing? nothing at all to you (nothing, nothing)
Baby i won´t shed a tear for you (I won´t shed a tear for you)
I won´t lose a wink of sleep (a wink of sleep)
Cause the truth of the matter is (truth is)
Replacing you is so easy

To the left to the left
To the left to the left

To the left to the left
Everything you own in the box to left

To the left to the left
Don´t you ever for a second get to thinking
You´re irreplaceable

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I could have another you in a minute
Matter fact, he´ll be here in a minute (baby)

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I can have another you by tomorrow
So don´t you ever for a second get to thinkin´ (baby! hey yea)

You must not know ´bout me
You must not know ´bout me
I could have another you in a minute
Matter fact, he´ll be here in a minute (baby)

You can pack all your bags we´re finished
Cause you made your bed now lay in it
I could have another you by tomorrow
Don´t you ever for a second get to thinkin´
You´re irreplaceable
La letra de la canción Irreplaceable - Beyonce es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Beyonce.
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