Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri

Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri
Prince Royce

Even When U Cry

Letra de la canción Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Even When U Cry esta publicada en la categoria Prince Royce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri
Letra de Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri
you can help that you have sadas 
in has in when your date. 
I’m so, so sorry, 
that you only see a great guys 
and is nothing I can see. 
Make a round and down you check, 
you say please don't look at me, 
You don't want to see you like this, baby. 

Even when you cry you are beautiful, 
you don't have to hide if you feel this 
way. You can let your tears threats in the floor. 
Don’t be worried, just a problem 
Even when you cry 
Don’t be worried, just a problem 
Even when you cry. 

You are cra-cra-crazy, 
if you think that I’m not sexy, 
just cause this backs in down in your rise. 
Ou Baby, baby, 
when the wall says you to looks heavy, 
I will be whit you every time, 
Make a smile in down your face, 
I will never look away, 
Is impossible for me to resist, baby 

Even when you cry you are beautiful, 
you don't have to hide if you feel this 
way. You can let your tears threats in the floor. 
Don’t be worried, just a problem 
Even when you cry 
Don’t be worried, just a problem 
Even when you cry.
La letra de la canción Even When U Cry - Prince Royce ft. Nasri es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Prince Royce.
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