Fall Again - Michael Jackson

Fall Again - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Fall Again

Letra de la canción Fall Again - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Fall Again esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Fall Again - Michael Jackson
Feels like a fire that burns in my heart
Every single moment that we spend apart
I need you around for every day to start
I haven't left you alone
There's something about you, I stare in your eyes
And everything I'm looking for I seem to find
All this time away is killing me inside
I need your love in my life
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
We fought in a battle, but nobody won
Left ourselves a mountain to be overcome
You can't run away, the past is said and done
I need us to carry on
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
You'll try everything you never thought of before
When you live, when you love, and you give them your all
You can always give up some more
Nothing means anything unless you're here with me
I can breathe, I can bleed, I can die in my sleep
Cause you're always there in my dreams
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
I wanna spend time till it ends
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
La letra de la canción Fall Again - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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